
GERD for Sustainable Energy

by Sisay Adugna
Created Jul 24, 2021 | Siegen
$200 raised of $1,200 goal 16.67%
  • 2 Donations
  • No deadline
Over 65 million people in Ethiopia rely on wood for their energy needs, leading to massive deforestation. Moreover, people pass through a lot of difficulties to acquire firewood. For example, look at the picture on this campaign and imagine what will happen to the woman carrying firewood and her baby if she stumbles. Yes, you guessed it right -- she will die of neck injury.

The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), which is being built on the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, is aimed at tackling these challenges by providing energy generated from hydropower.

The power generated will satisfy enery needs of millions in Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea and other countries in and around the Horn of Africa.

Let us join hands to fund this great project.

(Image credit: "It's My Dam" Magazine, Ethiopian Renaissance Council in Southwestern Germany, May 2021)
  • Aynalem Tesfaye
    Aynalem Tesfaye donated $100

    It is my dam!

  • Sisay Adugna
    Sisay Adugna donated $100
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