
GERD Initiative

by Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP)
Created Jun 01, 2021 | Addis Ababa
$194,647 raised of $1,000,000 goal 19.46%
  • 1.3k Donations
  • No deadline
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, formerly known as the Millennium Dam and sometimes referred to as Hidase Dam, is a gravity dam on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia under construction since 2011. The dam is in the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia, about 45 km east of the border with Sudan.

It has been the greatest of honours for Chapa Financial Technologies S.C., a company built from the ground by young Ethiopian entrepreneurs, to have been chosen to contribute to this staple project as a solution provider to finally put an end to the long history of failed donation platforms. Chapa would like to create this campaign to lay out donating opportunities to the age group it’s closest to - the youth.
  • Kebadu Belachew
    Kebadu Belachew donated $100


  • Daniel Asfaw Dadi
    Daniel Asfaw Dadi donated $50
  • Dereje Gebre Michael
    Dereje Gebre Michael donated $100

    God Bless ETHIOPIA

  • Addisu Mekonnen Feyissa
    Addisu Mekonnen Feyissa donated $2,000
  • Addisu Mekonnen Feyissa
    Addisu Mekonnen Feyissa donated $2,000
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $1,000
  • grum emru sintayehu
    grum emru sintayehu donated $500
  • Kebadu Belachew
    Kebadu Belachew donated $100


  • Solomon Tekola
    Solomon Tekola donated $200

    Heartfelt congratulations to those who are participating in making the GERD a reality .

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous donated $500
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